Soaring Eagle Support Society

Location: Whitecourt,

Hello there, my name is Ali and I am the Outreach Support Worker with Soaring Eagle Support Society, in Whitecourt, AB. We service 31 in-house residents with a variety of needs, as well as outreach. We are a non-profit organization with a housing-first model. We serve the homeless and the hard-to-house, seniors, with all genders and race. We meet our clients where they’re at, and serve them with compassion and empathy. I am a strengths-based worker with a passion for serving others. We are currently fundraising for Coldest Night of the Year, and have positive community connection. We’re trying to break the stigma of homelessness. Thank you for your contributions to also helping others. I look forward to hearing from you. 


Kindest regards, 

Ali Meck-Campbell

Outreach Support Worker

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Kit Packing

Most Needed Kits for Soaring Eagle Support Society

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