Street Haven

Location: Toronto,

Our Vision:
A community where all women are safe.

Our Mission:
Street Haven at the Crossroads offers pathways for women who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, through a variety of integrated services in which women support women.

Our Philosophy: 
Street Haven believes that all women deserve, along with the physical necessities of life, to be treated with dignity and to be given the tools and opportunities to achieve their goals.

– We are guided by the principles of anti-racism/anti-oppression and are committed to women’s engagement and women’s leadership.
– We believe in women’s right to self-determination. We believe in the values of equity and diversity; in partnerships, education and learning.
– We believe in personal responsibility and accountability, in social justice and advocacy.
– We achieve these values by offering responsive, reflective and holistic woman-centred.

Strategic Directions 2014 – 2017
​​  – Refresh our Identity & Enhance our Profile
– Strengthen Our Organizational Capacity
– Enrich our Programs and Services
– Increase Our Revenue

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