Teachers’ Teammates

Location: Havertown,

Our mission is to ensure all K-12 students and teachers in Delaware County have the tools they need to succeed in the classroom. We want to demonstrate our encouragement, support and gratitude for the work of our teachers.

Teachers’ Teammates is a nonprofit organization that solicits, collects and distributes donated school supplies so educators in under-resourced schools in Delaware County can have the tools they need to help their students thrive.

Built by former educators and parents, Teachers’ Teammates recognizes teachers must reach into their own wallets far too often to fill basic classroom needs. We connect teachers with free supplies to help close the resource gap and provide year-round support.

Our members “shop” for free in our online store four times a year for thousands of dollars’ worth of donated items, helping us move more than $1.8 million of new or gently used supplies into local classrooms. Donations to Teachers’ Teammates also help our environment by keeping otherwise unwanted items out of the waste stream.

Teachers’ Teammates is sustained by grants, donations, an ever-growing corps of volunteers and partnerships with local businesses, faith-based communities and civic organizations. Our warehouse in Folcroft regularly benefits from groups engaged in days of service.

We are proud to bring together the many segments of our community to sustainably support our teachers.

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Kit Packing

Most Needed Kits for Teachers’ Teammates

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