Meet Kristin Finch – she is the Outreach & eGroups Director for Elevation Church Toronto and is a Kit packing aficionado! We recently sat down with Kristin *virtually* to understand how Kit packing allows her church and members to connect with their mission and the community around them.
What’s your cause?
We partner with 38 organizations around the city all year round! Every summer we intentionally set aside one week and go all out in blessing our partner organizations with supplies. This year with COVID, we wanted to bless many of them with some much-needed items and we wanted to do it on a bigger scale than we ever have before because we know the need is great. We were able to pack over 800 backpacks to support children and youth heading back to school and 2000 hygiene kits which will be distributed to shelters across the city.
Why do you Kit pack?
We pack kits because we want others to feel loved, seen and supported during this time. COVID has caused lots of financial challenges and many do not have access to resources they may have had before. We know that these kits can make a big difference in an individual’s life because it reminds them that there is someone who cares for them. Kit packing also engages people at our church and allows them to learn about the organizations we partner with and in turn increases their passion to serve and help others. We do outreach events all year long but with COVID, our church building has been closed and a lot of organizations have closed their doors to groups but that wasn’t going to stop us from serving, loving other people and showing our partner organizations that we want to continue to support them on their mission.

Describe your team/group? Who are they? What do they care about? What makes them stand out?
Our team is filled with people all across the city who want to give back. You do not have to attend Elevation Church regularly to attend one of our outreach events! We are open to anyone who wants to come out and serve. Everyone is always very excited to serve and we create a fun, inviting and welcoming environment for everyone. We truly believe in helping others and the importance of caring for other people. We always explain where the products are going and how their efforts are making a tangible difference. Kids are also welcome to serve alongside their adults which makes it a great family friendly opportunity! Serving is also a way for people to meet new friends, build relationships with other people and support a great cause.

How have you been staying connected with your team/group over COVID?
We have a website where people can sign up to events. and we use social media such as Instagram @Elevationgta and Facebook where our team can stay up to date with our church, community and see highlights from outreach opportunities and hear more information about events.