Brantford Booth
The Brantford Booth Centre is an emergency shelter for homeless or transient men and a Community Residential Facility (CRF) funded through Correctional Services Canada.
Diversion and Prevention: Stabilizes those at imminent risk of homelessness to maintain their housing or find alternative accommodation through access to case management and financial supports. This component helps to reduce inflow into the homelessness serving system.
Outreach: Mobile supports to meet individuals where they are in community, including encampments and emergency shelters to provide housing-focused case management and connection to emergency services. This component provides coordinated access into the homelessness-serving system and seeks to reduce the number of unsheltered individuals in the community through access to emergency shelter, temporary and permanent accommodations.
Financial Management Services: Acts as homelessness prevention for voluntary and mandatory clients needing support with their finances to maintain housing stability. This component helps to reduce inflow into the homelessness-serving system by ensuring the payment of rent and utilities and access to case management supports.
ID Clinic: Case management and financial assistance in completing applications or renewals for identification through the Identification Assistance Program. This component supports discharges into housing through securing the required documents for housing placement.
Housing Stability Benefit: The goal of the Housing Stability Fund (HSF) is to prevent homelessness by assisting households who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, to obtain and maintain stable accommodations. We assist with: Last Month’s Rent, Rental Arrears, Utility Arrears, Utility Connection Fees, Moving Costs (up to $250), Fridge (up to $300), Stove (up to $200), Bed/Mattress (up to $350 per household member)
Rapid Rehousing: Immediate access to short-term case management and financial supports to avoid or exit emergency accommodations into permanent housing with necessary wrap-around supports. This component supports discharges into housing through coordinated exit into right-matched housing with supports.