Regesh Family & Child Services

Location: Toronto,

Regesh Family & Child Services empowers children, youth and families through accessible and affordable mental health intervention. Our organization provides high quality programs that benefit children, youth and families from all of Toronto’s diverse communities.

Regesh Family & Child Services has been providing quality mental health services to children, youth and families for 37 years. We began operating in 1983 as a receiving, assessment and treatment home for teens and pre-teens with emotional problems. In order to meet Toronto’s ongoing and dynamic community needs, Regesh services have undergone a natural and timely transition from residential treatment group homes and treatment foster homes. Today the organization provides non-residential counseling and program including:

– Active, school-based treatment program for at-risk youth
– Summer day program for at-risk youth
– Professional consultation and family support programs
– Anger management clinic
– Play Therapy for children ages 4-12

Regesh Family & Child Services specializes in working with at-risk and identified youth and families who can benefit from preventive intervention. Our holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to therapy provides a stable foundation on which the individual’s needs and abilities become more healthy and balanced. We do this by developing relationship and social life skills that enable our clients’ dignity and self-worth to flourish. Our programs help individuals and their families become more invested in their communities.

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